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Research & Analysis Research Funding

Chartered ABS report on research income for Law – 2014/15 to 2019/20

7th July 2022

The Chartered ABS has published its third annual briefing on research income in the field of Law. This analysis covers the period of 2014/15 to 2019/20 and is based on data from the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA).

The report contains data on research income for Law departments across the UK, including breakdowns by source, region, specific providers, and comparisons against research income for other subjects.

Key highlights from the report include:

  • Law schools’ research income fell slightly in real terms (accounting for inflation) in the most recent year compared to the previous year.

  • In the last year there was a significant decrease in funding from EU government sources of almost 21%, but this decrease was largely compensated for by increased income from the UK research councils.

  • Research income for Law schools has seen a larger percentage increase than many other subjects in the five year period.

  • The share of total funding for research income in Law received by institutions in London and the South-East decreased from 36% to 34%.

  • A few regions experienced decreases in funding over the five-year period, the most significant of which in percentage terms were the South-West (-61%) and East Midlands (-53%).

  • While research income for Law schools has a tendency to be distributed within a narrow group of institutions, there are signs of this changing; the five institutions receiving the most research income for Law in the most recent three years account for 31% of total Law research income, down from 36% in the previous three year period (2016/17 to 2018/19).

To view the report, click here.