
Embracing early signs of better mood music with the new government

Our CEO Flora Hamilton shares how we are preparing to work closely with the new government to help create the best possible environment for business schools, the economy and wider society to flourish.

11th July 2024

Meeting your CPD Commitment

CMBE subscribers make a commitment to continuously develop their practice year on year. Subscribers must complete 40 units (hours) of CPD annually (pro-rated for part time staff) in accordance with the claimable activities and outputs. 

Our framework supports educators to develop their practice according to their development needs across:

  • Enhancing teaching & learning practice

  • Scholarship of teaching & learning

  • Academic leadership

What counts as CPD activity?

Find out about the activities you can undertake to meet your CPD commitment.

Where can I go for my CPD?

Your development activities can be undertaken through a range of providers or within your institution. As long as you can demonstrate it has contributed to your development as an educator, we will accept it.

The Chartered ABS offers our own range of CMBE CPD events and development programmes. Our website also provides articles on teaching practice.

To view our upcoming CMBE events, click here

How do I record my CPD?

CMBEs are provided with an online profile which you can use to record your CPD.

If you are selected for auditing, you will have to file evidence of your CPD through your profile.

For further details about recording your CPD, click here.

CMBE Standards of CPD

To meet the CMBE’s standards of continuing professional development, activity undertaken in the last 12 months should:

  1. contribute to your current or future practice, institutional needs and to wider communities of practice;

  2. focus on improving and evaluating student experience and outcomes;

  3. be undertaken regularly and be relevant to business and management education;

  4. be accurately recorded and made available for submission as part of an annual audit; and

  5. be undertaken in accordance with the Code of Conduct.

The subscribers’ CPD Code of Conduct

The subscribers' CPD Code of Conduct is part of the CMBE CPD Policy which covers breaches, complaints, sanctions and disciplinary proceedings.

The purpose of the Certified Management & Business Educator is to advance and maintain high standards in the provision of teaching, learning and student experience, and academic leadership and scholarship thereof, through continuous professional development among persons responsible for the delivery of business and management education within higher education. To meet this purpose, the Chartered ABS requires CMBE subscribers to meet and adhere to our standards and Code of Conduct. Adherence to the Code of Conduct is a condition of CMBE subscriber status.

Subscribers are expected to adhere to the following obligations:

Start your CMBE application today