
Call for nominations: Chartered ABS Apprenticeships Committee

The Chartered Association of Business Schools is seeking new members for our Apprenticeships Committee.

17th July 2024
Events Leadership

Chartered ABS Annual Conference 2024

The yearly gathering of Deans and leaders of UK business schools

The Chartered ABS Annual Conference brings together over 350 business school Deans and senior leadership teams; and senior representatives of government, the wider higher education sector, and business.

This year's conference takes place against a backdrop of acute financial pressures and a tense political environment. It will be a valuable opportunity to reconnect with colleagues from across the sector; and join discussions about the future direction of business & management education, research, and school strategy in turbulent times.

Early Bird & Group Booking Discounts available


Professor Shitij Kapur

Vice-Chancellor & President of King's College London

Vivienne Stern

Chief Executive, Universities UK

Professor Nic Beech

Vice-Chancellor, University of Salford

Byron Dixon OBE

Founder and CEO, Micro-Fresh

Professor Julia Balogun

Dean of the Management School, University of Liverpool

Professor 'Funmi Olonisakin

Vice President (International, Engagement & Service), King's College London

Event details

Our sponsors


Events Leadership

The CMBE - An introduction

3rd September 2024 Birmingham

Chartered ABS Annual Conference 2023

Watch highlights from last year's Annual Conference, featuring high-level dialogue with eminent figures from government, business and academia; and candid, bilateral discussions between business school leaders.

Become a supporter

Supporting the Chartered ABS Annual Conference is an excellent way of engaging with Deans and directors of UK business schools.

If you are interested in supporting this year's event, please contact Oliver Lowe.