
Call for nominations: Chartered ABS International Committee

The Chartered Association of Business Schools is seeking new members for our International Committee.

12th June 2024

Dynamic Conversations

What is Dynamic Conversations?

Dynamic Conversations is an online resource to promote dissemination and discussion of contemporary learning, teaching and student experience issues in the business school sector. 

It provides a framework to support topical debate on contemporary issues, collate varied opinions in a curated format and pose thought provoking questions for wider discussion at an associated panel event that will take place after the release of the special edition. 

Engaging in Dynamic Conversations is a fantastic way to fulfil your CPD requirements for your CMBE subscription.

The conversation today:

Is a learning experience not authentic if it does not embrace AI?

The use of AI in appropriate ways in Higher Education has dominated the airwaves in recent months with some calling for it to be banned and others calling for it be harnessed within the learning experience. Prior to reaching higher education, pupils are already interacting with AI in the learning experience  with government announcing £2 million of funding to expand the use of AI in schools and reduce teacher workloads.

Unsurprisingly the debate has generated more questions than answers. Is AI changing the skills that employers will be looking for in graduates and if so, do we know how? Is AI a radical game changer for delivering authentic learning in HE and are there unique implications for Business Schools? Are subject benchmarks and QAA level descriptors outdated for an AI enabled future? What are the implications, if any, for the policy environment governing learning and teaching in HE?

View our collection of responses below...