Chartered ABS Deans' Meetings bring together Deans of Chartered ABS member business schools for candid discussion and sharing of mutual issues. These valuable meetings are online and last for one hour.
In this meeting, we will set out the political and legislative opportunities and challenges for business schools under the new government for the 2024-25 academic year and beyond. A panel of Deans will share perspectives on how these apply in their own institutions and to the sector as a whole. There will also be an opportunity for other Deans attending to share and discuss immediate challenges and questions.
All discussion takes place under the Chatham House Rule and attendance is restricted to the Deans of Chartered ABS member institutions.
The meeting will be chaired by Professor Robert MacIntosh, Chair of the Chartered ABS. Debbie McVitty, Editor of Wonkhe, will provide an overview of the current operating environment and will set out the political and legislative opportunities and challenges for business schools.
Our panel will include the Chair and Vice-Chair of our new Policy Committee - Professor Julia Balogun, University of Liverpool Management School, and Professor Morris Altman, University of Dundee School of Business.
Our speakers include:
Professor Robert MacIntosh
Pro-Vice Chancellor - Business and Law, Northumbria University; Chair, Chartered Association of Business Schools
Professor Julia Balogun
Dean and Brett Chair in Management, University of Liverpool Management School
Professor Morris Altman
Dean, University of Dundee School of Business
Debbie McVitty
Editor, Wonkhe